Let's face it, the size of the dog in the fight does matter. That's why you want to increase the length and girth of your penis. We all do. Well, now it's much easier to do with this Enlargement Kit designed to do just that, enlarge your penis. The comprehensive, easy to use kit includes everything you need to enhance sensitivity, increase stimulation, and support sensual performance.
The kit comprises of a penis pump, with a flanged base and removable donut and an assortment of super stretchy silicone enhancers and support cages, made from body safe TPR. The cylindrical erection pump is designed to slide comfortably over the penis and has an EZ squeeze bulb and quick air release valve. When used, the pump can lengthen and increase girth, for ultimate pleasure and orgasmic climax.
This kit is ideal for first time or experienced users and is easy to use. The super-strong silicone enhancers are pliable and provide comfortable additional support to maintain erection satisfaction.
Kit Includes:
Weight: 408g
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$40 |
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