Tawses (pronounced taws) were used as corporal punishment in public schools in Scotland until 1987. The impact of the standard leather tawse can be very intense; even more so in Tantus Silicone. Tawse It Overboard features four tongues, each 3/8” thick, 8.5 inches in length. The density is intense. Because it's Tantus Silicone, it transmits energy very effectively and takes very little in terms of strike force. The handle (1.5 inches by 6 inches) is very effective for blunt impact play and as a potential heavily textured dildo for internal use. And, because the Tawse It Overboard is made from Tantus Silicone you can thoroughly cleanse the toy. With a little care, Tawse It Overboard will last a lifetime.
Safe For Your Body: Made from Tantus' own unique formula of 100% Ultra-Premium Silicone
Easy To Clean: Eco-Friendly, Hypoallergenic, Hygienic, Boilable, Bleachable and Dishwasher Safe.
Handle Diameter: 1.48" / 3.75 cm
Tongue Width: 0.4" / 1.02 cm
Tongue Length: 8.75" / 22.23 cm
Total Length: 17" / 43.18 cm
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