From beginning to end, JT will surely make you happy. Whether you're spreading open its pliable entrance or gripping its textured exterior, we're sure this toy will quickly acquaint you with the term “happy ending.”
Once inside JT, you'll feel its tightness around you as you maneuver and experience its every nook and cranny. This rippling inner texturing is uniquely designed for the utmost in pleasure while maintaining comfort.
Take home this foxy toy today and you'll quickly understand why it's a fan favorite.
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While I don't use JT too often, it is absolutely a great toy. Bad Dragon toys are all silicone, so they are much more robust than TPE toys. They clean very well, and since it's silicone, you can actually get them perfectly 100% clean with a bit of effort. A good scrub with your fingers and a bit of soap or toy cleaner, run a bit of paper towel, and you're pretty much set. If you really want to sanitize, you can even boil it or soak it in a diluted bleach solution.
JT is on the tighter end of their toys, which I wasn't fully aware of going into it, but very quickly realized. You'll want to make sure that you're using a generous amount of lube, and that you are absolutely completely hard. I personally prefer a thicker lube since it just does a better job of staying in place where I want it. Especially useful with this being an open ended toy. Once you manage slide in, you'll notice that the first couple inches are very intense. Very heavily textured, still tight, still gripping onto you. Keep pushing in, and it does start to calm down some. This can be a good place to kind of "hang out". Not too crazy on your tip, but still gripping and working your shaft. It's a nice sort of break after pushing through the much more textured entrance. The weight and 'grippier' texture of the silicone also makes it easy enough to set on the bed and hump. It's not gonna be sliding away too much on you. Wrap it in a towel or something to give yourself something bigger to hold on to, and just go for it.
Again, lube. Lube, lube, and more lube. Then when you finally think you've got enough, add a bit more because this thing really is tight. As with most toys, warming it also helps the experience some. With silicone toys, you could even just toss it in the microwave for a couple seconds. Only issue with that is it can result in uneven heating, but it should kind of disperse and even out after a few minutes. If I plan on using JT, I usually put it in front of a space heater I keep in my room. Then I have quite a while to get to it since this thing really does hold heat very very very well.
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