Does this butt plug really have a hole in the middle of it? Yes! We get this question quite often so we might as well put it in the description. We will have to circle back to this part. The Hollow Tunnel Plug by TitanMen is a fantastic butt plug thanks to it being so comfortable to wear. It's soft and can be squeezed in your hands quite easily so you know it will be just fine when its inside of you. With a clear plug body, you will be able to see everything, for better or worst.
The Hollow Butt Plug by TitanMen is a clear and hollow butt plug designed for men to wear in short and extended periods of time. The soft body can be squeezed into any ass for a stretched out and pleasurable feeling. Along the outside of this pliable anal plug you will find ridges, ribs, and bumps, each adding its own unique and fun sensations during penetration and while wearing.
Now earlier I said I would come back to the hollow part of the plug. There is a hollow core to this plug so you can insert things into either yourself or your partner while it's inside. Squeeze a bunch of lube in there for a slippery good time. If you have other thing anal toys or even your finger can slide into the hole and inside the body. This just adds a bit of fun during use.
Weight: 454g
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