Ready to silence your partner? The Fantasy Gag is perfect for those fixated on oral pleasures. Because silicone is tasteless and odorless, it is ideal for insertion in the mouth. The straps are leather and snap off so you can wash the silicone: it's boilable, bleachable in a 10% solution and dishwasher safe.
Velcro on the straps allow for maximum adjustment for head size and ease of fitting.
Safe For Your Body: Made from Tantus' own unique formula of 100% Ultra-Premium Dual Density Silicone
Easy To Clean: Eco-Friendly, Hypoallergenic, Hygienic, Boilable, Bleachable and Dishwasher Safe.
Diameter: 1.7" x 1.5"
Insertable Length: 2.7"
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$44 |
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