
Making paragraphs

By LemonGirl, in General Help | 4 Replies

LemonGirl Critic 11 Posts

Quoting Barraquito's post from :

Alright, I've found a fix for the lines, while it doesn't allow you to make multiple empty lines, it will allow paragraphs to be separated by simply leaving 1 empty line between text.

Will be live in the next update, should be by the end of the week :)

That’s great news! Thanks for all your hard work!

Barraquito Creator 114 Posts Owns 6 Toys

Alright, I've found a fix for the lines, while it doesn't allow you to make multiple empty lines, it will allow paragraphs to be separated by simply leaving 1 empty line between text.

Will be live in the next update, should be by the end of the week :)

LemonGirl Critic 11 Posts

Cool! And you’re welcome. I’m truly excited to see how things progress 😁.

Barraquito Creator 114 Posts Owns 6 Toys

Oooh I know! I think you might be the 3rd or 4th person to have the same request.

It's sadly a limitation of "Markdown", which I decided to use for the forum. I'm currently looking at ways to add paragraphs / empty line-spacings! It's on my to-do list!

Also, thanks for the kind words about the site, very much appreciated ❤

LemonGirl Critic 11 Posts

I don’t know if I’m missing something here, but is there a way to format the text in the forums into paragraphs? I do so as I’m typing, but when I post the paragraphs don’t appear. If this is not an option, could it be included so that longer post are more “digestible”.
P.s. I would just like to add I think the creator did a great job building this website and I can’t wait to see how it continues to develop in the future!

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