
Best post-breakup ever

By lgirlvang, in Introduce Yourself | 2 Replies

lgirlvang Member 1 Post

Hi all! I got into toys due to trying to make a relationship work. I was dating a girl who found all penetration painful, and didn't like to give oral sex. So, we had a choice. Hand stuff only, or use toys. Needless to say, toys was the decision we went with. Now, we've broken up, but the toys remain. I've started prostate play with her old toys and don't ever want to stop.

Barraquito Creator 114 Posts Owns 6 Toys

Welcome! Sorry to hear about your break-up, just remember things get easier with time!

Toys can really make a difference. While not every toy is compatible with every person (or relationship), I firmly believe there is something out there for everyone. Slowly but surely the world of sex toys is becoming less and less taboo, especially for men (or those with penises). Those who had masturbators used to be widely seen as "losers" or "weirdos", but that whole stigma is slowly going away.

Anyways, /long-post over. Lol! Glad to see you on here and hopefully you enjoy the site as it grows and more features get added. And as always, let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas for what can be added or changed.

endouhiroki Member 5 Posts

Welcome to the site!
Prostate play changed my world and never want to go back :P
I feel like people are missing out on this new pleasure

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