LoveHoney CA


LoveHoney CA


LoveHoney EU


July 26, 2021

Updated July 26, 2021

Couples' play -
Discreet -
Drying Quickness -
Durability 5
Ease of Cleanup 5
Ease of Entry 4
Ease of Use 4
Lube Efficiency 5
Material 5
Malleability 0.5
Orgasm Rating -
Price/Performance 3.5
Packaging 5
Style 5
Smell 5
Softness 0.5
Storage/Hiding 5
Weight 3.5
Overall Satisfaction 4
Great Plug!

Honestly I can’t think of any issues I have with the plug. The material is great, it’s shape it’s favorably, you can use it for temperate play, and it’s easy to clean up. It was my first plug and the medium fit pretty well without much hassle. I will mention though that the first couple of times I used it it was hard to shake the sensation that the plug was on the verge of falling out. Supposedly this is a commonly feeling when using plugs for the first time but I can’t say for sure whether the feeling was exaggerated by the plug itself. So I guess that’s something to take into consideration if you’re an extreme beginner. If I had to list one complaint it would be that it wasn’t as heavy as I expected it to be.

  1. Easily to use/clean
  2. Doesn’t require much lube
  3. Temp play
  4. Will last forever
  5. Has a bit of weight
  1. Slightly slippery when wet
  2. Pricey
  3. Not as heavy as you would expect
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