Get tantalizing one touch vibration in a unique, couple friendly design with the Vibe Me Wireless Nipple Clamp. The easy to use design utilizes a simple pressure system, just slip your nipple through the slot and let the premium silicone material surround your sensitive nipples as it delivers powerful vibration. The bullet is removable from the soft silicone casing, so you can use them anywhere on your body. Waterproof, travel friendly, and great for couple play.
Product Dimensions: 3 inches in length, 1 inch in diameter
Recommended Use: Nipple play
Materials: Silicone, ABS
Waterproof: Yes
Powered: Yes, Vibrating
Power Type: Battery operated, Requires 6 LR44 tab batteries (included)
Rechargeable: No
Remote Controlled: No
Cleaning & Care: We recommend cleaning with soap & water, Toy Cleaner safe.
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$24 |
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