
Cobeco Pharma Male Cobeco Butter Ultra Thick Anal Lubricant Details

For unrivalled anal lubrication, use Butter Lubricant from Male Cobeco. As the name suggests, this oil-based lube is thick, smooth and, well, a lot like butter! Its ultra-thick formula makes it perfect for long-lasting lubrication, even in the shower. Although not compatible with all toys, this lube is great for advanced anal explorers who like to play with larger toys. Super-thick with a Petroleum-based formula, it spreads easily and lasts for ages, giving you the opportunity to tackle large gauge toys with ease! Ingredients: Petrolatum, Octyldodecanol

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Where to purchase Cobeco Pharma Male Cobeco Butter Ultra Thick Anal Lubricant

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Price Facts

  • Lowest ever price: $10
  • Highest ever price: $12

Price History

Product has not changed in price since added.

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