
Gun Oil Personal Silicone Lubricant Details

The premium condom-safe personal lubricant that keeps a man's most important weapon well oiled. If the military issued a lube, this is what they'd distribute with the condoms and artillery. Developed by marines for marines. During Operation Desert Storm, marines jacked off with actual military-issue gun oil while hunkered down in the trenches of Kuwaiti battlefields. A group of those marines developed a high-tech, condom-safe formula for smooth, rapid-fire action. This silicone-based lube keeps a Private's parts well-lubricated with added Vitamin E and Aloe Vera for longer lasting, slicker ride and minimized skin irritation. The ultra-concentrated formula is designed to last and last and last - a few drops lubricate thoroughly without breaking down or drying out. Ingredients: Dimethicone, Vitamin E, Aloe Vera, Dimethiconol, Cyclomethicone.

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Where to purchase Gun Oil Personal Silicone Lubricant

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Price Facts

  • Lowest ever price: $15
  • Highest ever price: $20

Price History

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