Are you and your partner ready for some back door play? The deVice is a solid silicone prostate massager that will create an earth-shattering super orgasm. Experienced users will love deVice's large size and combination of fullness and comfort. The solid silicone core is comfortable, while providing sufficient firmness and optimum responsiveness. Developed for active stimulation, deVice delivers increased pleasure when sitting, grinding, walking, and nearly every activity one can imagine.
Product Dimensions: Tip Width: 1.25 inches, Mid-Ridge Width: 1.25 inches, Insertable Length: 4 inches
Recommended Use: P-spot
Materials: Silicone
Powered: No
Cleaning: Clean with soap & water before and after each use, Toy Cleaner safe
Recommended Lubes: Use water-based lubes only since this product is made of silicone. Silicone-based lubes may deteriorate the silicone on the toy.
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$70 |
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