If you are looking for the cream of the crop penis pump then you have come to the right place. The Performance VX6 Penis Pump Erection Enhancement System by Blush Novelties is just that, a top of the line air pump system.
Why Choose the Vibrating Performance VX6 Penis Pump
Designed to maximize your cock size, the flared safety base on the crystal clear pump cylinder is both comfortable and effective. Since this device does have the flared base, no pump sleeve will be necessary to achieve an airtight seal. Along the side of the cylinder, you will see an easy to read measuring device to you can watch your growth in real time. The modular system is great for swapping out different parts if that is something that interests you. The magic all comes from the handle which is designed specifically to make pumping easier. With just an easy squeeze you will create the ultimate airtight vacuum which is what your dick needs to grow! The brass hardware will stand up to a lifetime of use and abuse. Watch closely to the air gauge so you do not accidentally overpump.
The entire pump kit can be disassembled for super easy cleaning, which I have to recommend. Truthfully, you should be cleaning your pump before and after each use with an anti-bacterial sex toy cleaner and warm water.
Weight: 680g
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