
Durex Pleasure Pack Assorted Condoms (12 Count) Details

Variety is the spice of life, right? Well get ready for spice by the bucket load with this assorted pack of Durex condoms. With 12 in a pack and 4 styles to choose from, safe sex will never be the same again! Inside the pack, you'll find the following condoms: 4 x Extra Sensitive: Ultra-thin latex with extra lubrication for lasting glide 2 x Performax Intense: Ribbed and dotted for the receiver, 5% benzocaine delay lubricant for the wearer 2 x Intense Sensation: Textured for added thrills 4 x Tropical Flavor: Tasty brightly colored condoms for mouthwatering oral Which will you try first?

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Where to purchase Durex Pleasure Pack Assorted Condoms (12 Count)

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Price Facts

  • Lowest ever price: $12
  • Highest ever price: $13

Price History

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