
Fun Factory Volta Extra Powerful Flickering Tongue Details

If you like your tongue flickering fast and fierce this is toy for you. Its dynamic silicone tips will have you quivering with pleasure lickety-split as they stimulate blood flow and increase sensitivity. Keep it on the clit or share the pleasure around. Allow the split silhouette to pleasure your clitoris or cover all of your hotspots in one go. Alternatively share the flutters with a partner for a sensational addition to foreplay and oral sex. With 6 powerful intensities and patterns of vibration, you can explore a multitude of pleasure combinations and find exactly what feels right for you. The Volta is waterproof and great for making pleasure waves in the bath or shower.


Color(s): Pink

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    Fun Factory Volta Rechargeable Extra Powerful Flickering Tongue

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    Fun Factory Volta

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    Fun Factory Volta

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    Fun Factory Volta

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    Fun Factory Volta

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Where to purchase Fun Factory Volta Extra Powerful Flickering Tongue

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Price Facts

  • Lowest ever price: $80
  • Highest ever price: $160

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