Experience the ultimate pleasure with the Tantus Super Soft Vibrating Cock Ring for men. This cock ring is made from Tantus who is world-renowned for their ultra-premium silicone. The erection enhancing ring has an incredibly powerful vibrating bullet that is sure to please all people. Slip this cock ring over your shaft and ball for longer pleasure using stamina building techniques.
The Vibrating Super Soft C-Ring features the original best-selling Super Soft ring with a waterproof removable bullet vibrator. The Super Soft Vibe Ring is 10 mm wide and stretchier than standard Tantus C-rings, making a safe, beginner-friendly addition to couple's play that is both comfortable and exciting. Vibrator: Removable Waterproof Bullet Vibe, Uses 2 X LR44 Batteries Safe For Your Body: Made from Tantus' own unique formula of 100% Ultra-Premium Silicone Easy To Clean: Eco-Friendly, Hypoallergenic, Hygienic, Boilable, Bleachable and Dishwasher Safe.
Weight: 60g
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$30 |
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