
Screaming O ColorPoP Quickie Two-O Cock Ring Details

• Two long-lasting motors for his and her pleasure
• Intense vibrating ring with super-stretchy band
• Two easy on/off switches

The Two-O Double Pleasure Vibrating Ring features two super-powered, super-bright mini motors attached to a stretchy and comfortable pleasure ring for better, more satisfying sex. The top motor stimulates her clitoris while the bottom motor buzzes strong for mutual pleasure, giving couples something to scream about together! Now available as a convenient ColorPoP Quickie, couples can enjoy vibrant vibration at home or on the go with a disposable design they can take anywhere!

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Where to purchase Screaming O ColorPoP Quickie Two-O Cock Ring

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Price Facts

  • Lowest ever price: $7
  • Highest ever price: $7

Price History

Product has not changed in price since added.

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