Have fun with the Untamed XL Fox Tail Anal Plug! The shining metal of this visually stunning plug is topped by a bushy tail of real fur, to help unleash their wild side. The smooth, flawless aluminum alloy is designed with a tapered tip and gently swelled body, with a nice slim shaft and flared base to help keep it comfortably in place, even when they are crawling around on all fours. The metal warms quickly to their body temperature, and can be heated up or cooled down as you desire. The plush tail is thick, full, and luxurious. Cloud soft and sturdily anchored in place, it will wag and wiggle with every movement. Metal makes an ideal anal play material, since it is non-porous, easy to clean, and safe with all types of lube. The alloy material is slick and smooth like stainless steel, with less weight.
Product Dimensions: Plug: 3.65 inches in total length, 3.25 insertable, 1.5 inches in diameter at widest point; Tail: Approximately 12 inches in length, approximately 3.5 inches thick
Recommended Use: Anal
Materials: Aluminum alloy, fur
Cleaning & Care: We recommend thoroughly washing with soap & water.
Recommended Lubes: Water based or Silicone based lubes can be used with this product.
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