The Sports Cuffs & Tethers Kit was made with lots of pleasurable positions and daringly sensual scenarios in mind. Along with the super soft, classic neoprene Sports Cuffs, there is 48 inches length available on each tether so you'll be able to tie and otherwise fasten your partner to almost anywhere...headboards, chair legs and any other compatible restraint systems. Simple Velcro closures let you attach, adjust and remove the cuffs quickly. There is lots of room available to adjust the sizing, making these suitable for anyone. Have fun!
Includes: 1 Pair of neoprene Sports Cuffs, 1 pair of 48 inches (121.92 cm) adjustable tethers
Recommended Use: bondage play
Materials: Velcro, neoprene, polypropylene webbing, nickel free metal hardware, plastic hardware
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$33 |
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