When used properly, polyisoprene condoms are intended to prevent pregnancy, HIV/AIDs, and many other sexually transmitted infections (though they cannot eliminate risk).
Lifestyles Non-Latex Condom is the first premium condom made from polyisoprene – a scientifically formulated non-latex material that delivers the ultimate sensitivity; it is the closest thing to wearing nothing. Polyisoprene material provides a softer, more natural feel than latex.
Lifestyles Non-Latex condoms are a suitable choice for people with a known or suspected allergy to natural rubber latex!
Made from a non-latex soft material that you'll find barely noticeable but as strong as premium latex.
Silicone-based lubricant
Straight shape with a reservoir tip
Length: 8” Width: 2” Diameter: 1.27” Circumference: 4”
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