This is the plug that started it all out. The iconic teardrop shape is synonymous with anal fun and pleasure. This Doc Johnson Classic Smooth Large Butt Plug was the first of it's kind when they designed it so many years ago. there have since been many imitators but this remains the original and quite frankly, the best.
Once you realize just how great anal feels it will become part of your life just like regular masturbation. With so many options for anal toys out there, its always most difficult to choose the best for you. Many people start small and as they get used to it, they naturally start enjoying bigger sizes. Not quite for a beginner but most anybody else will truly enjoy the pleasure that you get from sliding the Doc Johnson Classic Large Smooth Butt Plug inside of you. This is no slouch of a butt plug either, as it's high-quality construction is made right here in the US of A.
In the line of classic butt plugs by Doc Johnson, this smooth black plug is considered large. At 5.5 inches tall and 2.25 inches wide, this is the perfect ass plug for anybody looking for a full and stretched out feeling. When you have the tear-dropped shaped plug fully inserted you will enjoy intense pressure on your prostate and surrounding areas. This has been known to give men the most explosive orgasms they've ever experienced.
At the base of the teardrop-shaped butt plug, you will find a flared safety stopper. This stopper not only allows you to stand the plug upright, but it also acts as a safety stopper which will keep you safe during use. Once you get the plug completely inside you will enjoy a nice surprise at the ring of your butt as it rests gently on the neck of the plug. Just because it doesn't look intimidating though, doesn't mean it doesn't pack a punch. So for those willing to challenge it, good luck and use lots of lube.
Weight: 454g
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