Tantalizing curves and lightly scaled textures feel amazing against your fingertips. A thick tail protruding out, perfect to grasp onto and hold on for grip as your gaze lowers down to an ever welcoming opening. Tantalizing to say the least, you yourself gasp as you dip a finger between the lips of the opening, eyes half lidded feeling every bit of sensual textures that line the inside, awaiting the pulse of pleasure that is sure to happen soon. Nix is an incredible and unique toy for those looking for a new and amazing experience with a penetrable. The design allows for a perfect grip with the ‘tail' as you use it on yourself the conventional way, or on any surface to be propped up. The weight is slightly more than other penetrables, so we highly recommend laying it on a surface and utilizing it that way. The partner experience and fantasy adds to the fun this toy can bring to group play as well! Let Nix show you the kinds of hidden pleasure you have been missing, order her today!
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$110 |
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