
Bad Dragon Clayton Details

From his tapered tip, all the way down to his detailed base, Clayton is designed to rock your world.

His uniquely designed, subtle curvature pairs perfectly with his bumpy, rippled shaft to provide you with the perfect toy for some high-textured thrusting fun. As you slide him in and out, you'll notice every incredible, sensation-inducing detail as the tension continues to build.

Looking to experience all Clayton has to offer? Try a suction cup for even more thrusting action, wherever you can imagine.

Average Ratings and Reviews

This product does not have enough ratings yet to have it's score and averages calculated. Our algorithm calculates how many ratings a product should have in order to start ranking it. We do this to prevent new (or lesser known) products from getting very high marks from just 1 or 2 people's opinions, pushing it to the top, basically to stop potential bad actors from screwing with the system.

Top reviews of the Bad Dragon Clayton

June 13, 2020

Updated July 5, 2020

Second Review!

2Deutsch / German: Ich kann Glas essen, ohne mir zu schaden.

Ruhrdeutsch: Ich kann Glas verkasematuckeln, ohne dattet mich wat jucken tut.
Langenfelder Platt: Isch kann Jlaas kimmeln, uuhne datt mich datt weh dääd.

Lausitzer Mundart ("Lusatian"): Ich koann Gloos assn und doas dudd merr ni wii.

Odenwälderisch: Iech konn glaasch voschbachteln ohne dass es mir ebbs daun doun dud.

Sächsisch / Saxon: 'sch kann Glos essn, ohne dass'sch mer wehtue.

  1. Pro 1
  2. Very flexible material.
  3. Found it very good to be honest./
  4. Fantastic quality
  1. very pricey, wouldn't recommend.
  2. bad smell on open
  3. Add con

Where to purchase Bad Dragon Clayton

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Price Facts

  • Lowest ever price: $55
  • Highest ever price: $70

Price History

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