My, what wonderful texture you have. If you're looking for a toy that will be sure to leave you with all kinds of sensations, then look no further than Elden. No matter how you look at it, this one's built for intense pleasure.
With its pointed tip, Elden opens you up and delicately slips inside to introduce you to its first, modest set of bulges, making his presence known. Sliding it deeper inside, every bump, nub and groove can be felt, and bringing you closer to the brink. If its modest knot doesn't send you over, its intricately detailed base sure will. With texture at every turn, Elden is one toy that's out for your pleasure and will get it if you just let him in.
Due to its complex base and shape, Elden is not available with a cumtube but pairs ever-so-wonderfully with a suction cup.
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