If you're looking for texture, Lenneth delivers in spades! With his pronounced head, slimmer shaft, and textured backing, he's built for endless sensation.
A fan favorite, this feisty beast is just asking to be tamed. As you slide him deep inside you, be patient and you may hear him “pop” into you, sending you to the brink of pleasure. With him deep inside, you'll learn that he got the title "Ridgeback" from his design and from what he causes you to do as you experience his many pleasing textures.
The perfect toy for those looking to experience sensations of fullness and girth, and those looking for a toy to do all the stretching for you, whether it's anal or vaginal. He also delivers on clitoral stimulation with a ridged base that's not just for looks.
The only thing that makes Lenneth more enjoyable is adding a cumtube to layer on a slick new sensation to this joyride.
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$90 |
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