
Pipedream Oral Sex Dice: Lick Suck Blow Kiss Details

It's the dice game where everyone gets lucky! Roll once to decide what you should do, and again to figure out you where you should do it. This game is ideal if you want to lick, suck, blow and kiss your way to a passionate night in. A fuss-free sex game for couples, simply roll the dice together to see what oral fantasies you get to try out on your lover. With possible combinations including "Tease Privates" and "Kiss Ear", you get to lie back and enjoy a night of oral fun.

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Where to purchase Pipedream Oral Sex Dice: Lick Suck Blow Kiss

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Price Facts

  • Lowest ever price: $7
  • Highest ever price: $7

Price History

Product has not changed in price since added.

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